Saturday, 12 September 2009

The BPO India Party psyche – 1/?

Part of the Hype cycle of the BPO industry is the what I call the Party psyche that prevails today in most of this sector. The Party psyche implies that there is a crowd that strongly believes that life is an ongoing party. And there are certain folks who think that their objective is to skate to where the next party is happening.

It started in India from the advertising boom post liberalization when demand for advertising folks shot up and employees were wooed like hell. Then I have seen the financial services party when anyone and everyone who knew how to spell hire purchase, lease or amortization was given a car and a flat in a tony neighborhood.

At an international level we have all seen the excesses of the dot com party. While the US stories of this era are legion and well documented in India also we saw a Tsunami wave of this event hitting our shores.

After the IT burndown post dot com and Y2K both IT and BPO are the next happening parties in town. And naturally it attracts all the usual party goers as well as a few gatecrashers to boot.

Unfortunately very few believe that wealth is created by hardwork and sheer dint of effort. Luck, in my school of life, I was taught is the crossroads of hard work and opportunity.

How many in the current BPO sector are willing to roll up their sleeves and put in the 12+ hour days that it takes day in and day out to get somewhere in life? How many will skate to the next event in town?

Which kind of vendor will you choose?
