Pramod Haque has been going around the country side and spreading the same message.
Why is this happening? Why are costs in Pune coming to that of Bangalore or Chennai?
1. Lifestyle costs: I remember a time when salaries in different cities even for the same company was different for the same grade. It simply reflected a cost of living of that city as well as a lifestyle of that city. With media and mass advertising, lifestyle across all urban locations are the same. The Bangaloreans drink as much beer as the Punjab da munda and do not retire home for a meal of thair saddam ( curd rice ) any longer. How eager is the Pune youngster to stick to his sol kaddi? Not much I guess.
2. Demand outstripping supply: At the BPO forum of the MCCIA here in Pune we have been trying to do a study of the annual labor being supplied by various educational institutions. There is also an initiative to scope the existing pool of manpower. But such studies are easier conceptualized than actually carried out and delivered. In short no one knows what is the supply and the demand just keeps getting upped.
More in next….